Kate Aurther, television editor of the LATimes twittered this information yesterday. YumSugar reported the news last week. Apparently they start filming next week.
EaterLA reports that it will be filmed at the M Resort in Henderson. M Resort was intended to be a property friendly and appealing to Las Vegas locals. WHY? I have no idea. The locals I have met are either happy enough to stay away from the strip altogether, or venture into the strip when they want a night on the town, an amazing meal or a little gambling, and then get the hell out. Maybe all of the above activities will be more appealing in Henderson. Nevertheless, the Marnell company must see a need, no matter how poorly timed. Marnell properties is also responsible for Silverado Canyon, a planned estate community in Orange County.

LATimes officially reported it, along with the news that our beloved and sexy Tom Colicchio has grown a full beard, emulating the now questionably insane/comic genius/master thespian Joacquin Phoenix.

In other Top Chef news, LATimes reports a spin off called Top Chef Masters. While I had previously heard rumors of this fun project, I had not heard that during a press conference one reporter complained about Top Chef's unwillingness to hire a host (hostess) who "looks like someone who enjoys food." The Top Chef Masters' hostess in question, Kelly Choi, is certainly as delicate as they come.

While not a thin person per se, I certainly know lots of thin food bloggers who could out-eat me given any kind of cuisine, on any kind of occasion. Additionally, one of the now infamous stories told about my petite mother has to do with someone mentioning that she must, "eat like a bird". To which someone nearby who knew her well replied, "Yes, a vulture." Go, Mom!

Can't wait for Top Chef ... can't believe it's already Season 6! Harold from Season 1 is still my fave, though.
And Chois rock! I'm a Choi, too! lol :) I guess I'm biased. =P
You are not even the first Choi I have utterly adored. I do love me some Choi!
like WOAH that is so kinda creepy looking at first comment. my full name is christine jina choi. LOLOL
ur seriously, hilar, lizzie. that last pic reminds me of when i masticate bone in rib eyes and racks of lamb. NOM NOM NOM u have witnessed this.
everyone can use some choisauce love in their life. yum.
random note: the word verification to post this comment is "punaned" WTF?!
i ♥ chois!
"punaned", the past tense of "to punane"? the mind reels!
lol that vulture looks like me at all you can eat kbbq.
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